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Reiki Sessions & Certification


Experience the wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you through Reiki session or training. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. 

Private Reiki treatment sessions available.

1-Session $55

3-Sessions $150

Group and Private Level 1, 2 & Advanced Master Training Options available. Contact me for more information and pricing.

The Peaceful Way to Health and Relaxation

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique used in promoting stress reduction and relaxation. Based on the idea of life force energy this non-invasive technique of placing hands on or over the body allows this life force (Ki or Prana) to flow more freely.  When our life force is low, we are more prone to sickness and stress.  But through Reiki, we are able to increase this healthy energy in order to promote good health and happiness!  In my personal practice, I have discovered the amazing benefits of interjecting Reiki treatments between yoga practices.

'Reiki' is the combination of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom" or "Higher Power", and Ki which means "life force energy". Just like Prana in the yogpractices.


Just as in yoga, Reiki treats the whole person including mind, body and spirit and guides one to the beneficial effects including the feeling of peace, security, happiness and well-being.  Some reported deeper benefits and miraculous results of Reiki including as having helped with many illnesses and can work in conjunction with other therapeutic and medical techniques to promote recovery.


Reiki sessions are formulated to leave you feeling clear minded, and with a glowing radiance flowing through and all around you!  I invite you to experience the self-improvement and spiritual aspects of this healing technique of Reiki.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki energy allows muscles to relax and increases blood flow to treated areas, which in turn quickens the healing process. Practitioners and clients report help with stress, headaches, insomnia, upset stomach, sprains and other minor conditions.

Occasionally, miraculous results are reported. Reiki also promotes psychological healing, including release of anger, fear, worry, sadness and other unhealthy feelings, and replaces them with self-worth, confidence and tranquility.

What can I expect during a session?

Reiki is administered through the hands of a Reiki practitioner with the client lying fully clothed on a massage table.  A session usually lasts between 45 minutes to an hour and a half and shorter sessions are also possible.  

The Reiki practitioner places his or her hands at locations around the head and shoulders, the abdomen and on the legs and feet.  Tissue is not manipulated. The practitioner’s hands are simply held at each location, lightly touching or slightly away from the body. Reiki energy flows from the practitioner’s hands and into the client’s body and energy field.

A Reiki session feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that surrounds and fills the client and includes feelings of relaxation, peace and well-being that also promote healing.

What are prices and available for Private Reiki Training & Certification?

Level 1 - Total of 8-10 hours
Level 2 - Total of 8-10 hours 
Advanced (Master Training) Level - Total of 12-15 hours

Contact me for more information and pricing.

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