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Seasonal Practices for the Spiritual Lif

Saturday Dates: New Dates Coming Soon!

From: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Enrich, embed, and enchant your spiritual practice by infusing each day with mindful attention and intention while learning how to flow with grace and ease into each season and assist in turning the multicultural Wheel of the Year; time-honored eclectic practices through which we will be observing the cycle of the seasons. This program is specifically designed for those with busy schedules who are looking for continual guidance in establishing a dedicated spiritual practice.
The program is divided into four quarterly sessions that meet one Saturday for three information-packed hours per month at Yoga Garden in Apex, NC.
Each daily class will consist of yoga practices in the classical and tantric traditions, breathwork, mantra, mudra, meditation, and a women's circle including lecture and seasonal craftings and celebrations. All classes will be a magical combination of movement, discussion, lecture, eclectic spiritual practices, and play.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! - New Dates Coming Soon!

All sessions meet on Saturdays 1:00pm-4:00pm.
Session 1 - Station of Descent
Session 2 - Station of Confrontation
Session 3 - Station of Emergence
Session 4 - Station of Resolution & Integration

Investment Options
Option 1: $135/session (3-months)
Option 2: $540 - pay in full for all 4 sessions by TBD
Note: Because this is a progressive program, attendance in all four sessions is highly recommended, but not mandatory; however payments are non-refundable/non-transferrable for non-attendance.

Yoga Alliance 12 CEU's per session available upon request.


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